2022考研英语阅读练习:Future-proofing coffee in a warming world

2021-05-18 10:04点击次数:1303

科学家们表示,一种之前 “被遗忘” 的、能生长在更温暖环境中的咖啡植物或许能帮助未来的咖啡饮品抵御气候变化。据预测,我们也许很快就能品尝到狭叶咖啡(Stenophylla)的味道,这是一种来自西非的稀有野生咖啡品种,味道很像小粒咖啡(Arabica),但生长在更温暖的环境中。

A fresh brew prepared from the roasted beans of Arabica, the high-quality coffee that dominates the multibillion-pound coffee industry.


But as temperatures rise and droughts intensify, good coffee will become increasingly difficult to grow and expensive to buy.


That's why experts are searching among more than a hundred wild coffee species for a plant that can tolerate warmer and drier conditions.


And they say we could soon be sipping on Stenophylla, a coffee from Sierra Leone that was recently rediscovered after not being seen in the wild for more than fifty years.专家们说,我们可能很快会品尝到来自塞拉利昂的 “狭叶咖啡” 了,它在野生环境中消失了五十多年后,最近被重新发现了。


brew 煮好的饮料,此处指冲泡咖啡
roasted beans 经过烘焙的咖啡豆
high-quality 优质的
droughts 干旱,旱灾
intensify 加剧
tolerate 经受,耐受
sipping on 啜饮,小口喝
rediscovered 被重新发现
in the wild 在野生、自然环境下


1. True or false? Good coffee will become cheaper to buy.

2. What is Arabica?

3. Experts are searching among more than a hundred wild coffee species for something. What are they looking for?

4. Where does the coffee Stenophylla come from?


1. True or false? Good coffee will become cheaper to buy.
False. As temperatures rise and droughts intensify, good coffee will become increasingly difficult to grow and expensive to buy.

2. What is Arabica?
It is the high-quality coffee that dominates the multibillion-pound coffee industry.

3. Experts are searching among more than a hundred wild coffee species for something. What are they looking for?
They are searching for a plant that can tolerate warmer and drier conditions.

4. Where does the coffee Stenophylla come from?


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