
2020-08-17 16:54点击次数:2221

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
In today's fast-paced environment, we are faced with a myriad of communication options. Be it letters, e-mails, or telephonic conversations, I think that no means is more effective than face to face dialogue.

Firstly, face to face dialogue affords the speaker the opportunity to convey his message in a more detailed and complete way. Emotions, moods and expressions come forth to the surface in a face to face interaction, unlike written words or those spoken on the telephone. By using tone, facial gestures and body language, the speaker gives a thorough idea of the listener of his point of view. For example, by leaning forward on his chair, opening his arms and moving his hands in a forceful manner, the speaker can convey interest and leadership.

Another benefit that face to face communication provides is immediate feedback. The speaker can clarify any confusion right away. Unlike written statements, no idea or thought is lost in grammatical errors or misuse of vocabulary. Since all people involved in the conversation can easily see each other, approval, interest, or disregard, can easily be deduced and dealt with.

Often we see messages getting confused, and warped up in a maze of paperwork or unanswered e-mail and telephone calls. Such accumulation of data can create lot of stress and undue mess ups in an office environment. Renowned CEOs, like Bill Gates are famous for making a point to show up at all business meetings, and if not possible, designate another person instead of using written words, or the telephone.

They say, "Nothing can replace the human touch." When people say that, what they mean is that the openness, camaraderie, and opportunity for feedback obtained through face to face dialogue is totally irreplaceable and invaluable.

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