
2020-06-23 16:37点击次数:2310

What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room?
Whereas others might feel ridiculous, I reckon the bathroom as the most important room in my house, even though other rooms such as reading room or sitting room are probably equally important.

First of all, the bathroom is the most important because it is highly visible to guests. We may be able to close off the bedroom to indicate that the room is "off-limits," but we cannot deny our visitors access to the bathroom. The most overlooked in general though it might be, the bathroom is a room demands attention as much as impossible. For example, it is absolutely an ugly design if the toilet is placed directly opposite the door, all too often the embarrassment happens when the door is accidentally unlocked. And it is the host to be blame if the bathroom is dirty, smelly, or even scattered about in a mess.

The bathroom is very important because every family member will inevitably use that room, in which the most important part of family sanitations is located. Personal health of family member is no doubt superior to any other concerns. It should be spacious, bright, tidy, and above all, hygienic, and deserve frequent cleaning in fact, the room we cannot clean too much, specifically, the toilet seat. Moreover, more than one bathroom are virtually needed, if possible. It is not only embarrass or inconvenient but also absurd and irritating if someone knocks the door when we are using the lavatory.

Another reason I put special emphasis upon bathroom came from my experiences. According to my conception, bathroom is not only for toileting, washing, and showering, but for reading as well. Don't be surprise, I have a very spacious and bright bathroom in my house, in which, an arm away from the stool, there is a small bookshelf, a little bit highly located on the wall for preventing books and newspapers from getting wet. I already discovered that I have to spend more than 30 minutes a day in the bathroom, and that moment is so ideally quiet that helps concentrating. Believe it or not, I learnt a computer programming language Delphi while I was sitting on the stool!
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