考博英语双语新闻:着眼长远 推动中欧关系行稳致远

2023-06-27 09:59点击次数:1502

着眼长远 推动中欧关系行稳致远

Broad horizons can boost Sino-EU relations


Practical China-Germany cooperation, which has enabled two-way trade to increase by almost 1,000 times over the past five decades, has served economic and social development in both countries. China remained Germany’s most important trading partner for the seventh year in a row last year.


Premier Li Qiang’s ongoing visit to Germany, the first leg of his five-day trip that started on Sunday and which will also take him to France, signals Beijing’s readiness to continue to work with Berlin to carry forward traditional Sino-German friendship and further deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two countries amid a fast-changing global landscape.


That Li has chosen Germany as the first destination for his debut overseas trip as premier reflects the importance Beijing attaches to Sino-German relations. During the visit, Li is scheduled to chair the seventh inter-governmental consultation together with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The direct and in-depth interaction between the two governments is expected to enable them to explore the potential for further cooperation and push the comprehensive strategic partnership to a new stage by helping the two sides manage their differences.


The visit comes as some in the European Union are trying to “de-risk” from China by seeking a reduction in the bloc’s economic reliance on it. Germany’s recently released national security strategy has described China as not only a partner, but also a “competitor and systemic rival” that is seeking to use its economic might to achieve political goals. This has been firmly rebutted by Beijing, with a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson cautioning that “viewing others as competitors, rivals or even adversaries and turning normal cooperation into security or political issues will only push our world towards a vortex of division and confrontation”.


That China remains committed to high-standard opening-up and will continue to promote an open world economy means unlimited opportunities for foreign businesses including those from Germany. German chemical giant BASF’s investment in a mega complex in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province, last year, expected to amount to 10 billion euros ($9.95 billion), was a clear vote of confidence in China’s economic future.


Cooperation between China and Germany has flourished thanks to the extraordinary vision and political courage of generations of Chinese and German leaders, as well as the two sides following the principles of respecting each other in pursuit of win-win results and mutually beneficial cooperation.


Strengthening the bonds of friendship with Germany and France will provide a stable foundation on which to enhance mutual trust between China and the EU. This will help them work together to promote a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis, counter the US’ coercive trade practices, and stop the EU from becoming embroiled to its detriment in the US’ schemes in the Asia-Pacific.

Hopefully, Li’s visit will drive home the message that China was, is, and will forever be, a partner that Germany and France can work with for their own development and prosperity as well as those of the EU as a whole.



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