考博英语双语新闻:监管新政规范房地产经纪服务 有助于房地产业健康发展

2023-06-06 10:07点击次数:1062

监管新政规范房地产经纪服务 有助于房地产业健康发展

Guideline on agencies key to healthy realty



The recent guideline urging real estate brokerage agencies in China for reasonable reductions to fees for housing transactions and leasing services is expected to promote a healthier development of the sector and further unleash purchasing potential in the homebuying market, experts said.


Their comments came after China's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the State Administration for Market Regulation on Monday jointly issued a raft of regulatory measures on standardizing real estate brokerage services to protect the legitimate rights and interests of parties involved in related transactions.


These regulatory measures cover real estate brokerage agencies' transaction behavior in 10 fields, including the registration of institutions and brokers, determination of service charges and the protection of personal information.


Specifically, it was made clear that brokerage service charges should be determined through negotiations by all parties involved in the transactions, taking into account factors such as service content, quality and market supply and demand, said the guideline.


Some real estate brokers in recent years "have charged excessive, unclear and bound fees, and misused clients' personal information, which has increased the burden on related parties and infringed their legal rights", as noted in the guideline.


The guideline urges brokerage institutions to reasonably reduce the costs of housing sales and rental services and to refrain from exploiting a dominant market position to charge high prices for their services.


The guideline also forbids brokerage institutions and their employees to illegally collect, use, process and transmit or illegally trade, or provide and disclose personal information.


"The size of staff working in real estate agencies has been vastly expanding, as well as their areas of services," said Li Yujia, a researcher at the housing policy research center of the Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute."Yet some agents are taking advantage of their scale to increase fees. Private personal information of clients is sometimes misused and their lawful rights and interests are infringed."


Li said he believes the new guideline will help rein in the cutthroat competition in the sector and promote healthier, sustainable development by better protecting all stakeholders in the process.



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