
2023-05-30 09:20点击次数:2512


Half of NYC households face cost of living crisis



"There are many more people in New York City who struggle to meet their basic needs than the government's official poverty statistics capture," the authors of the report write.


"We find that New York City families struggling to make ends meet are neither a small nor a marginal group, but rather represent a substantial proportion of households in the state."


The percentage of working families unable to “meet the minimum cost of living in New York City” went up from 36% in 2021 to 50% in 2023, according to the report. This means there are roughly 1.3 million households or approximately 3 million people living with financial instability and insecurity, who are unable to afford their basic needs including housing, food, transportation, and health care.


The surge was driven by the sharp rise in prices in recent years - especially for housing and childcare.


The 2023 report found that people of color, single mothers, and immigrants, particularly Hispanic immigrants, were the most financially insecure populations in New York City.


People of color also disproportionately face economic insecurity in New York City: 65% of Hispanic, 60% of American Indian households, 58% of Black, and 51% of Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander households are experiencing economic insecurity. The Hispanic population has more than double the economic insecurity rate of white households, per the report.


Immigrants are still experiencing vast income inequality in New York City, the report shows. Roughly 64% of undocumented families do not have incomes to meet their basic needs. Even 54% of naturalized citizens still can’t afford basic needs.



Among households with at least one person working, 40% could not cover basic costs, it found, while more than half of those who did not make enough to cover the cost of living had at least some college education.


In 2023, a family of four would need to make more than $100,000 (£80,000) to match costs anywhere in New York City. That is significantly higher than the roughly $70,000 median household income in the city reported by the US census.



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