
2023-02-01 10:33点击次数:1696


我们常说的“得阅读者得天下”。而我要进一步说“得文章中心者,得阅读速度”。考试中一般一篇阅读文章的做题时间是10-12分钟,因此在有限的时间内,答对题是关键。那么如何能快速了解一篇文章主旨大意呢? 这要先了解英文文章的写作特点。英语文章最大的特点是重点先说,次要信息紧随其后。遵循G(General information)到S(specific details)的规律。



There is currently abroad a new wave of appreciation for breadth of knowledge.(段落主题句---引入一种社会现象:目前在国外存在一种欣赏知识宽度的浪潮) Curricula at universities and colleges and programs in federal agencies extol the virtues of a broad education.(事实细节1--举例)For scientists who work in specialized jobs, it is a pleasure to escape in our spare time to read broadly in fields distant from our own.(事实细节2--举例) Some of us have made interdisciplinary study our occupation, (事实细节3--举例)which is no surprise, because much of the intellectual action in our society today lies at the interfaces between traditional disciplines(进一步解释跨学科研究的原因). Environmental science is a good example, because it frequently requires us to be conversant in several different sciences and even some unscientific fields.(进一步针对事实细节3举例----举例说明需要跨学科学习的学科例子并解释原因)


G:There is a new wave. (引入现象) 

S1:a broad education 

S2:scientists—read broadly 

S3: interdisciplinary study (S3-1: 解释原因)(S3-2:举跨学科科目例子Environmental science )



81. From a broad education to interdisciplinary study, we can see_________.

A. the integration of theory with practice

B. the enthusiasm for breadth of knowledge

C. the rapid division of traditional disciplines

D. the contradiction between specialists and generalists



Publishing in scientific journals is the most common and powerful means to disseminate new research findings. Visibility and credibility in the scientific world require publishing in journals that are included in global indexing databases such as those of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). (事实背景引入话题:文章要在全球索引数据库期刊里发表)Most scientists in developing countries remain at the periphery of this critical communication process(引入现象:发展中国家科学家出版处在这一情况的边缘地带), exacerbating the low international recognition and impact of their accomplishments(阐释这一现状的后果). For science to become maximally influential and productive across the globe, this needs to change.(作者表达自己的观点:这一状况需要改变)

90. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Science without Boundaries

B. How to Keep Science Moving

C. Globalizing Science Publishing

D. Globalization and Nationalization


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