考博英语双语新闻:荷兰学生发明“捕碳”电动车 行驶中可“吃掉”二氧化碳

2022-09-29 17:29点击次数:2258

荷兰学生发明“捕碳”电动车 行驶中可“吃掉”二氧化碳
Dutch students devise carbon-eating electric vehicle

The sporty all-electric car from the Netherlands resembles a BMW coupe, but is unique: It captures more carbon than it emits.


"Our end goal is to create a more sustainable future," said Jens Lahaije, finance manager for TU/ecomotive, the Eindhoven University of Technology student team that created the car.


Called ZEM, for zero emission mobility, the two-seater houses a Cleantron lithium-ion battery pack, and most of its parts are 3D-printed from recycled plastics, Lahaije said.

拉海耶称,他们将这辆双座车命名为ZEM,也就是zero emission mobility(零排放出行)的缩写。车上装有Cleantron公司的锂电池组,车体大部分部件由回收塑料3D打印而成。

The target is to minimize carbon dioxide emitted during the car's full lifespan, from manufacturing to recycling, he added.


Battery electric vehicles emit virtually no CO2 during operation compared with combustion-engine vehicles, but battery cell production can create so much pollution that it can take EVs tens of thousands of miles to achieve "carbon parity" with comparable fossil-fueled models.



Direct air capture is a fairly new method of cleaning the air by capturing CO2 into a filter. We have made use of this innovative technology and implemented this in our car. The idea is very simple: while driving, air will move through our self-designed filters and the CO2 will be captured and stored.


ZEM uses two filters that can capture up to 2 kilograms (4.41 lb) of CO2 over 20,000 miles of driving, the Eindhoven team estimated. They imagine a future when filters can be emptied at charging stations.


The students are showing their vehicle on a US promotional tour to universities and companies from the East Coast to Silicon Valley.


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