
2022-07-19 15:18点击次数:1633

The video game prescribed by doctors to treat ADHD

While many parents worry that their children spend too much time playing computer games, Kelcey Sihanourath is pleased to see her son Owain pick up his tablet.


Now aged 13, he was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in pre-school.


Since then, the family, who live in the US city of Savannah, Georgia, have taken Owain to see occupational therapists to help him better cope with everyday life tasks.


They also tried the medication route, but had to stop after the prescribed drugs exacerbated the boy's regular migraines, and made him sick.


With ADHD continuing to affect Owain's school performance over the years, Kelcey says she was "hoping for something more, for any other option".


"I could see him struggling to understand why he was not able to focus, and the frustration he had when he tried so hard and would still get distracted," she says. "It broke my heart, but I felt trapped and completely useless."


Help came in the end from what initially seems very incongruous - a computer game called EndeavorRx.


In 2020 it became the first such game to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the treatment of ADHD in children.


Currently only available on prescription from doctors in the US, EndeavorRx at first glance looks very similar to countless other games. You control a little alien that races on a spaceship through different worlds having to collect things.


But the app-based game was developed in conjunction with neuroscientists, and is designed to stimulate and improve areas of the brain that play a key role in attention function.


The idea is that it trains a child with ADHD to both better multitask and ignore distractions, with a computer algorithm measuring his or her performance and customising the difficulty of the game in real time.


Kelcey says she was "a little sceptical", but at the end of 2020 Owain started a three-month programme, playing the game for 25 minutes a day. He then did another round last year.


"He admitted it was a little harder than he expected," she says. "But he understood that he was doing it to help improve his focus. He remained super motivated despite the difficulties and frustrations that came along with it."


After each of Owain's sessions she noted his daily behaviour in the app, and tracked his progress.


Soon she started to see small, positive changes in his behaviour. For example, getting ready for school had become smoother, and there were no negative messages from teachers.


And after failing fifth grade, Owain subsequently shot up to getting As and Bs for his work.


"It has been amazing to see my son so successful, but more so, seeing him have confidence in himself," Kelcey says. "He is no longer upset and confused about why he just does not get it."


Eddie Martucci, chief executive of Akili, the Boston-based tech firm behind EndeavorRx, says the game has been designed to boost cognitive progressing.

开发EndeavorRx 游戏的波士顿科技公司 Akili 的首席执行官艾迪·马尔图齐表示,设计这款游戏的初衷就是促进认知进步。

"It is something that's very difficult to get through molecular means, like taking a pill. But it turns out that sensory stimuli can actually directly stimulate parts of the brain controlling cognitive function."


His company now plans to launch the game in Europe in the next few years.


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