
2022-06-28 14:36点击次数:2064

1. As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something     researching into.
A precious           B worth                C worthy             D valuable
1.[考点] 形容词辨析
[分析]本句中不定代词something后接形容词短语作后置定语,因此空格处填入的形容词应接动名词结构researching into。[A]和[D]项都不能接动名词,首先排除。precious意为珍奇的,珍贵的valuable意为有价值的,宝贵的worthworthy都可意为值得的,但使用上有区别。worth作表语时,后常接名词或动名词,如:be worth considering/the trouble(值得考虑/值得费那个事);worthy后一般接不定式或of sth.,不可直接接动名词,如:be worthy of consideration/of praising/to be remembered(值得考虑/值得奖励/应该谨记的)。因此[B]项正确。
[句意] 正如你的导师所建议的那样,你应把时间花在值得研究的问题上。

2. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals     a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.
A relieve              B release              C dismiss             D discard
2.[考点] 动词辨析
[分析]relieve意为减轻;解除;缓解,如:relieve the headache/anxiety/unemployment(减轻头痛/消除焦虑/减少失业)release意为释放;放开;发泄(情感),如:release oxygen/a prisoner/one’s arms/emtions(释放氧气/释放囚犯/放开胳膊/发泄情感)。dismisssb.时意为解散,解雇”;sth.时意为不予考虑;消除,去除,如:dismiss their objections/the fears(对他们的异议不予理会/排除了恐惧)。discard意为丢弃,抛弃,如:discard one’s winter clothing/the thought(丢掉冬天穿的衣服/打消这个念头)。根据句意,[Brelease正确。
[句意] 作为一种对空气污染危害的防御,许多动植物都能释放一种吸收有害化学物质的东西。

3. Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would     be able to walk.
A in no time         B by all means      C in no way D on any account
3.[考点] 固定短语辨析
[分析] 四个副词短语中,只有[Cin no way表否定,其他项都表肯定。in no way意为绝不,一点也不,如:In no way will I regret for what has happened.(我绝不为所发生的事情后悔。)根据句意,应选[C]项。in no time意为立即,如:The trouble will blow over in no time.(这个困难马上就会消除的。)by all means意为尽一切办法,一定要,如:We try by all means to persuade him to come.(我们竭力劝他来。)on any account意为无论如何,如:Do not on any account walk home by yourself. (无论如何别独自一人步行回家。)
[句意] 没有脚和地面之间的摩擦,人根本不可能行走。

4. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping     to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.
A occasionally      B simultaneously C eventually D promptly
4.[考点] 副词辨析
[分析] occasionally相当于from time to time,意为偶尔,如:visit him occasionally(偶尔拜访他)。simultaneously相当于at the same time“同时,如:be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio(同时在电视和广播中进行转播)。eventually相当于after a long period of time“最后,终于,如:eventually arrived(最后到达了)。promptly相当于意为迅速地;及时地,如:deal with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently(迅速有效地处理所有信件),arrive promptly(准时到达)。[Ceventually和[Dpromptly都用来描述一次性的动作,与句中habit相矛盾。[Bsimultaneously与句首while(在……同时)的含义重复,应该排除。因此,[Aoccasionally正确。
[句意] 打字时,海伦习惯于偶尔停下来抚平飘动的长发。

5. One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that they have taken great
    to educate their children.
A efforts              B pains         C attempts            D endeavours
5.[考点] 动宾搭
[分析] 本句中that引导表语从句,其谓语是have taken,空格处填入的名词作take的宾语,后面接不定式。take pains为固定搭配,相当于take great trouble“尽力,煞费苦心,如:He took great pains to learn physic lessons.(他努力学习物理。)其它项都不与take而与make搭配。make efforts意为努力做,如:make efforts to achieve peace and unity(努力实现和平统一)。make attempts意为企图做,如:make attempts to prevent the war(企图阻止战争)。make endeavours意为努力,尽力,如:make endeavours to achieve the objective(努力实现该目标)。因此[Bpains正确。
[句意] 美国亚洲移民成功的原因之一就是他们不遗余力地教育他们的子女。
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