High gas prices hit low-income Americans the hardest
根据美国汽车协会6月9日数据,美国普通汽油平均价格达到了每加仑4.99美元(约合人民币33.5元)。高油价正在影响所有美国开车的人,但低收入家庭首当其冲。这是因为,与富裕家庭相比,低收入家庭在交通成本和生活必需品(如食品和能源)上的支出占比更高。High gas prices hit low-income Americans the hardest
For lower-income Americans, high gas prices can set off a cycle of hardship.
Driving the news: The daily US average national price for a gallon of regular climbed to $4.99 as of Thursday morning — a cent shy of the symbolic $5 threshold, according to AAA.
Those at the top spent the equivalent of about 2% of their income on gas in 2019. That's the most recent year for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has survey data that are not skewed by weird pandemic behavior.
Those at the lower end of the income scale devoted 8% of their after-tax income to gas in 2019. (Although many living in urban areas without cars are spared the expense.)
In 2008, when gas prices hit a record (inflation-adjusted) high, that group spent close to 12%.
This data looks at gas expenditures as a percentage of income. A more common practice is to slice the numbers as a percentage of overall household spending.
It looks different that way: The lowest 20% of earners devoted 3.7% of their spending to gas versus 2.7% for the highest earners, per BLS.
Meanwhile, more recent data, from Bank of America, shows that Americans who earn less than $50,000 a year are currently spending nearly 10% of their credit card bills on gas, compared with 6% for households earning more than $125,000.
For those who must drive to work, higher gas prices are essentially a pay cut.
"It can create a cascade of other hardships," said former Federal Reserve economist Claudia Sahm. If an increased share of your money goes to gas, you have to make painful choices about where that cash comes from.
This comes at a time of rising food prices, which are also pinching lower-income households.
