
2022-06-09 10:19点击次数:3078

  · What is the main topic of the passage?
  · With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
  · The central idea conveyed in the above passage is that ______
  · Which of the following best sums up the passage?
  · The main idea of this passage is______
  · The passage tells us______
  · Which of the following statements best expressessummarizes the main idea of the passage?
  · What is the main idea of the passage?
  · This article is mainly about______
  · This passage deals mainly with______
  · What does the passage mainly discuss?
  · Which of the following best states the theme of the passage?
  · In this passage the authorwriter mainly argues that______
  · The purpose of the author in writing the article is to______
  · What does the author intend to convey through the passage?
3. 段落中心串联法


2019年医学统考阅读passage four  
You are what you eat, or so the saying goes. But a new generation of molecular biologists is starting to give that old adage a decidedly high-tech twist.
By combining the latest discoveries in human genetics with a deeper understanding of the hundreds of compounds found in food, investigators have begun to tease apart some of the more complex interactions between your diet and your DNA. In the process, they hope eventually to give consumers more personalized advice about what to eat and drink to stave of heart disease, cancer and other chronic conditions of aging.
“We are trying to put more science behind the nutrition,” says Jose Ordovas, a geneticist at the Friedman School of Nutrition at Tufts. “We want to finally understand why nutrients do what they do and to whom – why a low-fat diet may not work for some but works for others.”
Do you drink three cups or more of coffee a day? Genetic tests can now determine whether you– like approximately 10% to 20% of the population have a specific genetic variation that makes it harder for your body to absorb calcium in the presence of caffeine, thus increasing your rate of bone loss.
76. What does the passage want to verify?
A. You are what you eat.
B. You are not what you eat.
C. The relationship between cancer and eating habit.
D. The relationship between technology and eating.

解析:主旨在文章第一段。文章第一段指出“You are what you cat, or so the saying goes. But a new generation of molecular biologists is starting to give that old adage a decidedly high-tech twist. 常言道,你吃什么补什么。但是新一代分子生物学家正着手对这句话做出明确的高科技解读。后文都在围绕转折之后的这个“high-tech twist”展开,论述日常饮食和 DNA 之间一些更为复杂的相互作用,基因和营养的秘密帮助人们了解找到适合基因特征的饮食,由此推断文章主要讲的是基因对饮食的影响,所以 B 你吃什么不一定补什么为答案选项。

2018年医学统考阅读passage 2 
Skilled clinical history-taking and physical examination remain essential as the basis of the disease diagnosis and management, aided by investigations such as radiological or biochemical tests, Technological advances over the past few decades mean that such investigations now can be refined, or even replaced in some cases, by the measurement of genetic or genomic biomarkers. The molecular characteristics of a disorder or the genetic make-up of an individual can fine tune a diagnosis and inform its management. These new capabilities, often termed "stratified(分层的)" or "personalized" medicine, are likely to have profound effect on the practice of medicine and service delivery.
Genetic medicine, which uses genetic or genomic biomarkers in this way, has, until recently, been the province of a small minority of specialized physicians who have used it to diagnose or assess risk of inherited disease. Recognition that most disease has a genetic component, the development and application of new genetic tests to identify important disease subsets and the availability of cost-effective interventions mean that genetic medicine must be integrated more widely across healthcare services. In order to optimize benefit equitably across the population, physicians and services need to be ready to change and adapt to new ways of working.
70. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?
A. Genetic medicine should be the mainstream option for physicians.
B. Genetic medicine poses great challenges to medical practice.
C. Genetic medicine will exert great influence on medicine.
D. Genetic medicine is defined as "stratified" medicine.

解析:主旨在文章第一段。由文章第一段中“These new capabilities, often termed stratified(分层的),or "personalized" medicine, are likely to have profound effect on the practice of medicine and service delivery. (源于基因技术的)这些新能力(经常被称为分层个性化医疗) 有可能对行医和医疗服务产生深刻的影响。提出文章中心内容基因医疗将对医学产生重大影响和后续段落围绕这一内容进行,可推知C 基因医疗将对医学产生重大影响正确。                               

2016年医学统考阅读passage 3
Less meat and dairy in our diets could help reduce agricultural greenhouse gases by as much as 80% by2055, according to a recent study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The researchers created global land-use model to project likely outcomes given different scenarios involving consumer dietary trends and changes in agriculture production methods. The models take into consideration population growth the world economy, and other factors.
The researchers found that, if meat and dairy consumption patterns remain constant of increase, the associated global agricultural omissions will increase significantly. On the other hand, a 25% reduction over the next 40 years would help bring levels to where they were around1995.
Methane and nitrous oxide in particular could be reduced if less meat and dairy is produced and consumed. These gases are caused largely by livestock waste and synthetic fertilizers. Around two-thirds of nitrous-oxide emissions come from agriculture--and most of that as a result of either raising animals or producing the feed used to raise them. Consumers' food choices, combined with what one PIK researcher terms "technical mitigation options on the producers side" could make an enormous impact on these emissions.
While not nearly as much methane or nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, both are significantly more potent and they form substantial pieces of the greenhouse gas pie. Both of these gases trap heat and radiation in the atmosphere much more effectively than does carbon dioxide. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cites methane as being "21times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a100-year time period." Nitrous oxide is more than 300times more effective than CO2.
While the PIK study doesn't detail exactly which consumer choices and eating habits can help reverse the trend, it seems clear that less is more when it comes to consuming meat and dairy products.
75. What can be the best title for the passage?
A. Eating Healthy
B. From Farm to Plate
C. Greenhouse Effect
D. Diet for a Healthier Planet


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