
2022-04-25 13:32点击次数:3170

That could mean car designers will have to build in new safety features to compensate for the extra hazards facing overweight passengers. In the US, car manufacturers have already had to redesign air bags so they inflate to lower pressures making them less of a danger to smaller women and children. But no one yet knows what it is that puts overweight passengers at extra risk.
A study carried out in Seattle, Washington, looked at more than 26,000 people who had been involved in car crashes, and found that heavier people were at far more risk. People weighing between 100 and 119 kilograms are almost two-and-a-half times as likely to die in a crash as people weighing less than 60 kilograms.
And importantly, the same trend held up when the researchers looked at body mass index (BMI)—a measure that takes height as well as weight into account. Someone 1.8 meters tall weighing 126 kilograms would have a BMI of 39, but so would a person 1.5 meters tall weighing 88 kilograms. People are said to be obese if their BMI is 30 or over.
The study found that people with a BMI of 35 to 39 are over twice as likely to die in a crash compared with people with BMIs of about 20. It’s not just total weight, but obesity itself that’s dangerous.
“While they do not yet know why this is the case, the evidence is worth pursuing,” says Charles Mock, a surgeon and epidemiologist at the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center in Seattle, who led the research team. He thinks one answer may be for safety authorities to use heavier crash-test dummies when certifying cars as safe to drive.

1. When they categorized the obese people, the researchers ______.
A. showed a preference for BMI in measurements
B. achieved almost the same results as previously
C. found the units of kilogram more applicable than BMI
D. were shocked to know the number of obese people killed in car crashes

The United States and England each has a major and unique health-care challenge, according to a study comparing the health of senior citizens in the two countries. The study, conducted by researchers from RAND Corporation in the United States and Institute for Fiscal Studies in the United Kingdom, found that disease and health disorder incidence was higher among U.S. senior citizens, but mortality rates were higher among English senior citizens.
Americans aged 65 and older have almost twice the rate of diabetes found among their English counterparts and more than double the rate of cancer. Nevertheless, death rate among Americans 65 and older is lower.
“Americans are a sicker group of people who tend to live longer,” says James Smith, a study co-author. He attributes the U.S. health problems to lifestyle factors, including poor eating habits and inadequate exercise. Americans tend to eat much larger servings of food, for example, “There is what I call an American plate. When we go to a restaurant, it’s a plate I can’t even eat any more. It’s a plate with so much food on if it’s not even appealing to me.”
Smith also says that English adults are generally much more physically active than Americans. Biking and walking are much common in everyday life in England. He observes that “there is a lot of walking in London, and there is a lot of bicycle riding. I don’t see people in downtown Los Angeles on their bicycles”.
On the other hand, England’s problem is that doctors fail to diagnose serious conditions early enough. American doctors tend to screen patients for cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses more frequently. Smith notes “American medicine is much more aggressive. It leads to high costs, but it has benefits, too.”

根据以上英美两国老年人两组对照,我们就能知道英美两国各自健康问题在第一段最后一句体现:“disease and health disorder incidence was higher among U.S. senior citizens, but mortality rates were higher among English senior citizens. “,而造成这种差异的原因定位在第三段第二句” He attributes the U.S. health problems to lifestyle factors, including poor eating habits and inadequate exercise.“,以及文中最后一段” On the other hand, England’s problem is that doctors fail to diagnose serious conditions early enough. American doctors tend to screen patients for cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses more frequently“。所以在以下题目中,我们就能快速地定位答案:
1. Which of the following is a unique health care challenge for English senior citizens when compared with their American counterparts?
A.  A higher death rate.
B.  A higher rate of cancer.
C.  A higher incidence of disease.
D. A lower tendency to have diabetes.
2. Even though it is much more aggressive, the American medicine______.
A. better improves the quality of life among its senior citizens
B. benefits more seniors who need medical care
C. facilitates its senior citizens to live longer
D. helps its senior citizens live healthier
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