
2022-04-14 13:29点击次数:2550

1. 读题:判断问题类型,找出关键信息,也许可以预测文章内容
2. 读文章:句意(突破长难句)→段意(把握句子之间的逻辑关系)→文章的思路和主旨 (把握段落之间的逻辑关系)
3. 答题:定位→比对→确定最佳答案
The phenomenon of dreaming has long fascinated philosophers and scientists. The ancients believed that dreams were messages from the gods or portents of one's future. Nineteenth and twentieth century scientists have sought rational explanations----the first such effort to receive wide acceptance was Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Freud called dreams “the royal road to the unconscious” by which he meant that dreams lead the way to a realm of mental functioning where our fantasies, emotional conflicts, repressed memories, and infantile impulses find expression. Through condensation, displacement, and symbol formation, troubling and fantastic thoughts evade the vigilant censor that keeps us largely unaware of them in our waking moments.
Recently, however, cognitive psychologists have challenged Freud's ideas. They point out that cats in laboratory experiments have been repeatedly shown to dream. So, in fact, have all other mammals except one: the anteater, which has a tiny brain. In addition, newborn infants spend half the day dreaming. These organisms do not have unconscious conflicts of the type Freud described, but during sleep they show obvious signs of dreaming. For example, when humans dream, their eyes dart around. This period of sleep, called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, is one of the most reliable signs that a person is dreaming and also is part of the sleeping pattern of almost all mammals. It happens at regular intervals: every hour and a half for a human, for instance, or every twelve minutes for a rat. Some researchers have even linked acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, to dreaming. All of this research suggests that the cause of dreaming is physiological, rather than emotional.
Others have proposed different alternatives. They suggest that the brain functions in some ways like an enormous computer, and that REM sleep is a way of "dumping" unwanted data that could otherwise overload the system. With 50 billion neurons and ten times that many glial cells wiring them all together, the brain is capable of taking on huge amounts of information. But like a computer, it has a finite capacity for storing information, and REM sleep may be a way that the brain "clears out" unusable data in order to free itself to attend new tasks during waking hours.

41. The passage primarily concerns                 .
A) Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories             
B) the effect of dreams on the personality
C) the attempts of psychologists to explain dreaming        
D) the similarities of computers to the brain

42. The two new theories outlined in the passage challenge Freud's belief that                 .
A) dreams are an attempt to come to terms with unconscious material
B) we dream in order to find out about ourselves
C) dreams originate in a specific area of the brain
D) the conscious mind represses unpleasant thoughts

43. The author would most likely argue that the reason an anteater does not dream is                 .
A) it lacks the type of unconscious conflict Freud describes
B) neurotransmitters other than acetylcholine have been found in anteaters brains
C) its brain is not complex enough to support the mechanisms that cause dreams
D) anteaters' REM sleep differs from that of humans or rats

44. The author's attitude toward Sigmund Freud's theories could best be described as                 .
A) skeptical        
B) emotional        
C) envious         
D) indifferent

1. 读题:判断问题类型,找出关键信息,也许可以预测文章内容
42题细节题,关键信息:new theories challenge Freud's belief
43题推理题,关键信息:an anteater does not dream
44题态度题,关键信息:author's attitude

2. 读文章:句意(突破长难句)→段意(把握句子之间的逻辑关系)→文章的思路和主旨 (把握段落之间的逻辑关系)
第一段:提出话题phenomenon of dreaming,重点阐述Freud的理论Freud called dreams “the royal road to the unconscious”
第二段:总分总结构,阐述cognitive psychologists have challenged Freud's ideas,理由是These organisms do not have unconscious conflicts of the type Freud described,最后总结the cause of dreaming is physiological, rather than emotional
第三段:提出另一种看法,the brain functions in some ways like an enormous computer......

3. 答题:定位→比对→确定最佳答案
43题,由题干定位第二段第三句So, in fact, have all other mammals except one: the anteater, which has a tiny brain.只有选项C的内容与之有关联,故答案选C
44题,结合文章行文思路可知,作者只是介绍几种关于dreaming 不同的理论,作者自己并未发表任何看法,因此答案选D
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