
2022-03-30 17:35点击次数:2878



  一、 看文章的内容是否符合一个中心突出的原则。比如遇到AB观点的作文,很多人第一段会引入话题,第二段写正方观点,第三段写反方观点,最后一段写自己的观点时,往往重复了前面段落的内容。这样做虽然很容易达到字数,但是观点都是走马观花的带过去了,没有进行深入和细致的拓展,没有达到议论文说服人的效果。所以遇到比较大的话题时,一定要大而化小,并且要在第一段鲜明地表达出自己的观点。第二段重点写支撑自己观点的理由。第三段可以适当反驳另一方的观点并再次强调自己的观点和升华主题。一篇文章无论多长或者多短,都有一个主旨或者中心,所以要让阅卷老师看到这个中心,并被你的理由打动和说服,这就实现了议论文的写作目的。

  二、 看文章的论据是否支撑中心论点。比如这是一位学员的第二段的支撑句。

  Firstly, when people visit the famous Chinese sites of historical interest, they can know more about the Chinese history and see the wisdom of ancient people from these buildings, increasing the centripetal force of the nation and the self-confidence of the people. Secondly, People's traveling during the holiday will greatly promote the development of the domestic economy, bring huge economic benefits to the scenic spot, drive up the local economic development, and improve the living standards of the local people.

  如果单看这些话,可能对认为作者是在讲旅游的好处。但是这个段落的功能实际上是要去论证为什么景点不能在旅游高峰期征收高价门票费用。因此,要与中心进行关联。这样修改会更好:Firstly, charging higher entry fees during peak seasons means fewer visits. If people can visit the famous Chinese sites of historical interest instead of staying at home, watching TV or playing games on the holidays, they can know more about the Chinese history and see the wisdom of ancient people from these buildings, thus, increasing the centripetal force of the nation and the self-confidence of the people. Secondly, charging entry fees as usual can promote the economic development instead. Traveling during the holiday will bring huge economic benefits to the scenic spot, drive up the local economic development, and improve the living standards of the local people since people need more expenditures in food, accommodation, shopping and entertainment.


  三、 看自己的表达和词汇是否地道贴切。有些同学会说这很难做到,因为自己的语法和单词基本功本来就不好。其实我们可以根据参考范文进行修改和替换。比如一篇文章的开头,我们经常会用with the development of economy,…. 看了范文的开头是As China’s economy booms over the past few years,…,那么我们可以来替换。同样每次写到”重要”,我们都会用important,看范文后我们可以积累高级词汇essential, crucial, vital, significant 或者动词短语count,matter,attach great importance to等。自己的作文可以通过仿写范文的思路和积累相关话题词汇来进行修改提升表达。


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