华慧考博英语--双语阅读( Teamwork and The Beatles)2

2022-01-05 15:27点击次数:1683

Academics at Carnegie Mellon University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found that the performance of groups is not correlated with their membersaverage intelligence, but with characteristics such as sensitivity and how good teams are at giving everyone time to speak.

Ringo provides backing; the band would be less cohesive without him.

Another principle reinforced by the film: look here, there and everywhere for inspiration.

In a study from McKinsey, more than 5,000 executives were asked to describe the environment in which they had their own best experiences of being in a team.

Among other things, the consultancy identified the importance of renewal, the habit of keeping staleness at bay by taking risks, by learning from others and by innovating.

Get Backshows a team of superstars embracing exactly that ethos: playing the songs of other bands, grabbing ideas like magpies and happily taking the advice and help of outsiders.
Get Back》展示了这一巨星团队全情拥抱这一理念的样子:演奏其他乐队的歌曲,像喜鹊一样及时抓住灵感,乐于接受外人的建议和帮助。

It is the introduction of a pianist called Billy Preston, known to the group from their early days playing in Hamburg, which really makes the recording sessions start to click.

(Lets make him the fifth Beatle, suggests John. Its bad enough with four,sighs Paul.)

A third message of the film concerns when and how to let it be.

In an effort in 2016 called Project Aristotle, Google tried to define the characteristics of its most effective teams.

One of its findings was that goals ought to be specific, challenging and attainable.

When they first meet up, on the second day of 1969, the band has a task that fits these criteria snugly: to write an albums worth of new songs in just a matter of days and perform them on a TV special.

But how they get there is left largely to them.

That doesnt always work out.

At one point Paul yearns for a central daddy figureto set them straight on their scheduling.

But the combination of a deadline and autonomy yields remarkable results.

There are limits to what can be learned from Get Back.

从《Get Back》中能学到的东西是有限的。
The Beatles are not always supportive of each otherGeorge, feeling disregarded by John and Paul, briefly quits the band.

Drugs played a part in their output: LSD may be a red line for some managers.

Although technical ability is not the only determinant of success, sheer talent helped.


Any band with a Lennon, a McCartney and a Harrison in it would have an advantage.

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