
2021-09-28 09:51点击次数:2165

A)合译法:把定语从句放在被修饰的词语之前,从而将英语复合句翻译成汉语单句。如:Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive U.S. aid.国会公布了关于接受美国援助的105个国家的人权情况调查报告。B)分译法:根据定语从句的不同情况,我们可以将其翻译成并列分句、其它从句或独立句等。如:Anyone who stops absorbing new knowledge is certain to lag behind.任何人如果停止吸取新知识,就肯定会落后。(翻译为条件状语从句)The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships which require assistance of tugboats.罢工会使远洋航船不能靠岸,因为他们需要拖船的帮助。(翻译成原因状语从句)A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open-cut coalmine.一位地质勘探工程师对光谱进行了分析之后,发现了新的露天煤矿。(翻译为时间状语结构)The delivery of public services has tended to be an area where we decorate an obsolete process with technology.公共服务的提供方式已趋陈旧,这正是我们必须采用技术加以装备的领域。(翻译为并列分句)We now live in a very new economy, a service economy, where relationships are becoming more important than physical products.现在我们正生活于一种全新的经济,即服务性经济中,各种关系越来越比物质产品更为重要。(翻译为并列分句)The true measure of the danger is represented by the hazards we will encounter if we enter the new age of technology without first evaluating our responsibility to environment.如果我们进入了技术新时代而不首先估价我们对环境所负的责任,我们将遇到公害,这些公害将表明危险真正达到了什么程度。That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory.这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的话,也是微不足道的。(原来的谓语,在译文中变成了在前的主语)(真题示范)Aid is only partial recompense for what the superior economic power of the advanced countries denies us through trade.先进国家用优势力量,通过贸易剥削我们,其援助只不过是部分偿还而已。Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of may of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy.相反,行为主义者认为,成绩的差异是由于黑人往往被剥夺了白人在教育及其他环境方面所享有的许多有利条件。(in contrast在原文句中,翻译成汉语后放在句首)
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