
2021-04-29 10:20点击次数:4109

  1. 意识到我们的文化差异可以帮助我们更有效地相互交流,了解我们不同的交流方式可以丰富我们的文化生活。不同的交流风格体现了我们深层的哲学观及世界观,这些深层的哲学观及世界观正是我们各自的文化基础。明白了这些深层哲学我们就会获得这个世界展示给我们的更加宽广的景象。
To realize the difference among our culture can help us communicate with each other more effectively. To learn our different ways of communication can enrich our cultural life. Different communication styles embody our deep-seated views of philosophy and the world. These deep-seated views of philosophy and the world are exactly our cultural foundations respectively. To understand the deep-seated philosophy, we will get wider visions which are shown by the world when we can.
文化差异:the difference among our culture
不同的交流方式:different ways of communication
文化生活:cultural life
不同的交流风格:different communication styles
哲学观及世界观:views of philosophy and the world
文化基础:cultural foundation
  1. 从某种意义上说,各国对多极化的认可反映了国际关系中对民主化的追求。在经济全球化的时代,一种深入的相互依赖的关系正在国与国之间形成。在联合国宪章中曾发表过的国与国平等的原则正深入人心,越来越多的国家已经清楚地意识到:无论大小、强弱、贫富,所有的国家都是世界大家庭中平等的一员,国际关系的民主化将成为构筑世界新秩序的共同愿望。
In a sense, the approval of every country to multi-polarization reflects the pursuit of democratization in international relations. In the times of economic globalization, a relation of deep interdependence is formed among nations. The principle of equality among nations, which was published in Charters of the United Nations, is filtering into people's mind. More and more countries have clearly realized that big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, every nation is all equal member of the world. The democratization of international relations will be the common aspiration in establishing new order of the world.
从某种意义上说:In a sense
相互依赖的关系:a relation of deep interdependence
联合国宪章:Charters of the United Nations
共同愿望:common aspiration
深入人心:filter into people's mind
  1. 质疑不仅是从消极方面去伪存真的必要步骤,也是从积极方面建立新学说、启迪新发明的基本条件。对于别人说过的话,不经过思索,都不打折扣地承认,那是思想上的懒惰。这样的人永远是被动的,永远不能治学。只有常常质疑、常常发问的人才能提出问题,提出问题才想求出解答。学问只有通过不断的发问和求解才能增长,除此以外别无他法。
Questioning is not only the necessary step of discarding the false while retaining the truth in the negative aspect, but also a basic condition in establishing new theories and inspiring new invention in the positive aspect. It is lazy of thought to admit other's word completely without thinking. This kind of people is always playing a passive role without the ability to learn thoughtfully. Only the people who often question and ask others can raise questions. By raising questions, they want to get the answers. There is no way for increasing knowledge except constantly asking and answering questions.
去伪存真:discard the false but retain the truth
建立新学说:establish new theories
启迪新发明:inspire new invention
思想上的懒惰:lazy of thought

  1. 书籍引导我们进入优秀的社会群体,将我们带到伟大的思想家面前。读书中我们耳闻目睹他们的言行举止,仿佛见到了他们活生生的身影,我们同情他们的遭遇,与他们有乐共享、有难同当。他们的遭遇似乎也成为了我们的经历,使我们感到我们自己有点像在他们所描绘的情景中扮演角色。
Books introduce us into the best society and bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in the scenes which they describe.
优秀的社会群体:the best society
伟大的思想家:the greatest minds
耳闻目睹他们的言行举止:We hear what they said and did.
  1. 名声、财产和权利等都是身外之物,人人都可求而得之,但没有人能够代替你感受人生。如果你真正意识到这一点,你就会明白,人生在世最重要的事就是活出你自己的特色和滋味来。你的人生是否有意义,衡量的标准不是外在的成功,而是对人生意义的独特领悟和追求。
Fame, wealth and power are merely worldly possessions within the reach of anybody striving for them. But your experience of life and feelings about life are your own and they could not be shared. A full awareness of this will point out you that the most important thing in your existence is your distinctive individuality or something special of yours. What really counts is not your worldly success but your peculiar insight into the meaning of life and your commitment to it.
名声、财产和权利:Fame, wealth and power
人人都可求而得之:within the reach of anybody striving for them
人生在世最重要的事:the most important thing in your existence
对……的独特领悟peculiar insight into…
  1. 中国坚持以人为本的科学发展观,着力构建和谐社会,改革开放和现代化建设取得了新的进展。经济持续发展,政治更加民主,社会全面进步,人民生活进一步提高,并呈现出不断改善和全面发展的良好局面。
 China adhered to the people-oriented scientific view of development, and made every effort to build a harmonious society. New progress was achieved in its reform, opening up and modernization drive. Along with continuous economic growth, more democratic practices were seen in the political arena, and the society progressed in a comprehensive way. Further improvements were made in people's living standards, and everything in China were continuously improved and developed in all fields.
坚持:adhere to
以人为本的科学发展观people-oriented scientific view of development
着力构建:make every effort to do sth
谐社会:a harmonious society
社会全面进步:the society progresses in a comprehensive way
经济持续发展continuous economic growth
政治更加民主:more democratic practices were seen in the political arena
人民生活:people's living standards
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