华慧2021年考博英语新闻热词:春运 Spring Festival travel rush

2021-03-05 11:30点击次数:2581

春运 Spring Festival travel rush


The number of railway passenger trips took a nosedive in the first three days of the Spring Festival travel season amid stringent epidemic control measures, data from the national railway operator showed Sunday.


这里的nosedive是很形象的一个词,从字面意思可以理解为“鼻子朝下跳水”,字典里一般解释为“俯冲”,并由此延伸出“骤降,急剧下跌”等意思,用作动词或名词都可以,比如:Stock prices took a nosedive(股价暴跌);Profits nosedived in the last quarter(最后一个季度,利润暴跌);The plane went into a nosedive without warning(飞机毫无预兆地来了个俯冲)。

Passengers made 2.96 million railway trips on Saturday, while a total of 3.08 million and 2.83 million trips were registered on Thursday and Friday, respectively, according to the China State Railway Group Co., Ltd. (China Railway).

The company said on Sunday, the fourth day of the travel rush, 2.9 million passenger trips were expected to be made, a year-on-year decrease of 75 percent.


在一些统计类的报道中,我们经常会看到“环比”、“同比”这样的表述,这两种比较方式的区别在于:环比,就是跟上一个周期比;同比,就是跟去年同期比。如果用今年1月的数据跟去年1月的数据相比就是“同比”,英文用形容词year-on-year或者副词短语year on year表示,上文中的a year-on-year decrease of 75 percent也可以改为decrease 75 percent year on year;而1月的铁路客流量与12月的相比,就是“环比”,可以用形容词形式month-on-month或者副词形式的month on month来表示,比如:the number of passenger trips saw a month-on-month increase of 30 percent in January。

In light of sporadic resurgence of COVID-19 cases and measures to reduce people's movement, the group previously lowered its estimate of railway passenger trips from 407 million to 296 million for the travel peak.


Electronic tickets are used in most railway stations across the country, and passengers can check in with their ID cards or through facial recognition.

Passengers are urged to practice social distancing at the waiting halls.

Online food ordering service is also available so that passengers can get their deliveries at their boarding stations.

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