华慧2021年考博英语:“假期综合症” 用英语怎么说?

2021-03-05 11:20点击次数:2596

  “假期综合症”(post-holiday syndrome),是人们在长假之后出现的的各种生理或心理的表现。比如,在节后的两三天里感觉厌倦,提不起精神,神经性厌食、焦虑、神经衰弱、上班的工作效率低等等。


  How to cope with it?


  Maintain Light Diet

  ▷ Eat a lot of big fish and meat during the holiday. After the holiday, you can change to eat some coarse grains, such as millet porridge, mung bean porridge, etc. to soothe the stomach. You can also eat more fruits and vegetables to make up for the nutritional imbalance in the body.



  Synchronize Biological Clock

  ▷ The long vacation is over, don't stay up the latest night. Arrange your daily life reasonably to make your life more regular. After all, only when the spirit is good can you have the energy and fear of any challenges.



  Keep on Exercising

  ▷ Do more sports that are beneficial to physical and mental health, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc. Let your body and mind "motivate" and sweat, you can also refresh your energy and enter the best state faster.


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