- 我们要共同珍惜和爱护地球家园。我们可以看到工业化、城市化、全球化在给人类带来无尽财富的同时,也付出了资源枯竭、环境污染、生态破坏的巨大代价。地球不仅是我们从父辈那里继承来的,更是从我们的后代那里借来的,因此我们必须尊重自然,注重节约能源资源和保护生态环境。
We should cherish and take good care of our mother Earth. It is seen that the industrialization, urbanization and globalization have brought people boundless wealth, but at the same time, we have paid huge price for resources exhaustion, environmental pollution and ecological damage. We not only inherit the earth from our previous generation, but also borrow it from our descendants. Thus we have to respect nature, and lay emphasis on conserving energy resources and protecting ecological environment.
爱护:take good care of
无尽财富:boundless wealth
付出代价:pay price for
资源枯竭:resources exhaustion
继承: inherit
父辈: previous generation
后代: descendant
注重: lay emphasis on
- 当今世界,既非丝绸之路时代,亦非马可波罗时代。昔日遥远的距离,被现代科学技术一下缩短到令人难以置信的程度。这是人类文明进步的共同成果。不论是中国的还是外国的历史经验一再证明, 文化需要交流,只有交流,才能相互学习,相互了解;只有交流,才能共同去促进人类智慧向前发展,并共同享用其成果。
The world today is no longer the world of times of the Silk Road or Marco Polo. With the development of science and technology great distances in the past have been made unbelievably short. This is the achievement of the progress of human civilization. The historical experiences of both China and other countries have once again proved that culture needs exchanging. Only through exchange can we learn from each other and come to know each other better. Only through exchange can we jointly promote the developing of human wisdom and enjoy the common fruits of civilization.
丝绸之路: the Silk Road
马可波罗: Marco Polo.
难以置信的: unbelievably
人类文明: human civilization
历史经验: historical experience
相互学习: learn from each other
相互了解: come to know each other
人类智慧: human wisdom
共同成果: common fruits
共同促进: jointly promote
- 在国际社会共同努力下,世界经济正在缓慢复苏,但复苏基础不牢固,进展不平衡,存在较大的不确定性。与此同时,本地区经济发展也面临一些难题和挑战,发达国家就业形势严峻,新兴市场国家面临资产价格泡沫和通货膨胀压力,最不发达国家处境艰难,各成员国经济结构调整任重道远。
With the joint efforts of the international communities, the world economy is slowly recovering. But the foundation remains weak, the process is unbalanced and moreover, there exist uncertainties. Meanwhile, the region still faces some difficulties and challenges of economic growth, developed countries' employment situation remains grim, emerging-market countries faces the risk of asset-price bubbles and inflation and the least developed countries are in harsh circumstances. There is still long road for every member states to readjusting the economic structure.
共同努力:joint efforts
发达国家:developed countries
就业形势:employment situation
资产价格泡沫:asset-price bubbles
任重道远:There is still long road for…
- 当代英国著名学者李约瑟在对中国古代的发明创造及其传播做了大量而深入的研究之后 ,得出如下结论:“倘若没有中国古代科技的优越贡献,我们西方文明的整个过程,将不可能实现。试问若无火药、纸、印刷术、和罗盘,我们将无法想象,如何能消灭欧洲的封建主义,而产生资本主义。”
Joseph Lee, a famous scholar of contemporary England, after making an extensive and thorough analysis of the inventions in ancient China and their popularization, came the following conclusion: without the great contributions made by ancient China in terms of science and technology, the whole process of Western civilization would be impossible. It might well be asked, he said, without gunpowder, paper, printing and compass, how could we imagine that we would have abolished feudalism in Europe and adopted capitalism?
当代英国著名学者:a famous scholar of contemporary England
对……深入研究:make an extensive and thorough analysis of…
中国古代的发明创造: the inventions in ancient China
科技: science and technology
西方文明: Western civilization
火药: gunpowder
火药、纸、印刷术、和罗盘:罗盘: gunpowder, paper, printing and compass
封建主义: feudalism
资本主义: capitalism
- 老子在中国传统思想史上的主要贡献表现在:一是提出了抽象的“道”,突出了宇宙的统一性 ,使中国传统思想从具体思维走向创造性的抽象思维;二是丰富发展了辩证法思想,使辩证思想成为中国古代思想的光荣传统;三是提出了一种逆向思维的模式,使道家思想与儒家思想并立互补,成为中国传统思想的两大主干思想。
Lao Zi makes a great contribution to China's history of traditional thought, by transforming China's traditional thought from the concrete thinking to the abstract creative thinking, by establishing the abstract conception of "Fao" and by laying stress on the universe unity. He enriches and develops dialectics, which are formed into a glorious tradition in ancient China's thought. He puts forward a mode of reverse thinking, thus making Taoism and Confucianism exist simultaneously and complementarily and grow into two main schools of China's traditional thought.
中国传统思想: China's traditional thought
具体思维: concrete thinking
抽象思维: abstract thinking
辩证法思想: dialectics
光荣传统: a glorious tradition
提出: put forward
逆向思维: reverse thinking
道家思想: Taoism
儒家思想: Confucianism
- 统一多民族国家的长期延续,极大地促进了各民族之间的经济、政治和文化交流,增进了各民族对中央政权的向心力和对中华文化的认同感,增强了中华民族的凝聚力、生命力和创造力,促进形成了中华文明的统一性和多样性。
The long-standing existence of a unified multi-ethnic state in Chinese history greatly enhanced the economic, political and cultural exchanges among different ethnic groups, reinforced their allegiance to the Central Government and their identification with Chinese culture, and strengthened the cohesion force, vitality and creativity of the Chinese nation, giving rise to the unification and diversity of Chinese civilization.
中央政权: the Central Government
认同感: identification
凝聚力: the cohesion force
生命力: vitality
统一性: unification
多样性: diversity
中华文明: Chinese civilization
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